Thursday, February 13, 2014

I just finished digesting a book             "The Secret Life of Bees". 

I laughed, I cried, and at times I wanted to save someone including myself. Here is just one of the moments I really feel like I want to share with everyone that may visit my blog.

August said, "listen to me now, Lily. I'm going to tell you something I want you to always remember, all right?"

Her face had grown serious. Intent. Her eyes did not blink.
"All right," I said, and I felt something electric slide down my spine. 

"Our Lady is not some magical being out there somewhere, like a fairy godmother. She's not the statue in the parlor. She's something inside you. Do you understand what I'm telling you?"

"Our Lady is inside me," I repeated, not sure I did. 

"You have to find a mother inside yourself. We all do. Even if we already have a mother, we still have to find this part of ourselves inside." 

This spoke volumes to me, then I was captured by the voice inside me. I need to find my mother again and love me from the deepest ally inside me and bring her out, let her out, spit her out. You know the love, the unconditional love that comes from a mother. Love her, just for a little while say hello to her again like the young child before life has tangled it's tumultuous web around the fantasy world of a wondrous child no more. Love turning mushy, squishing up inside you.
Judge no one. Be kind to yourself.

I don't have thirty years to undo what I did to myself the last twenty years. I better get busy.


Cindi said...

That's cool. I can find my mother in me and then she won't feel so far away. :)
Its crazy when you think about how may years we may have left.
Love you

Unknown said...

I tried to post a comment last night... this entry hits me in the heart. I didn't have a mommye guiding me and I have done some pretty cool things in spite of that, but also wandered around aimlessly looking for direction and unconditional love that i needed from her. This reminds me to look within. Thanks so much