Thursday, August 26, 2010

Bonjour... Well , It was , is, a big day for the yoga mama.
I could see light between my thighs this morning.
All that sweat and hard work is starting to pay off again.
Thought I would check out the yoga cloths at Marshall after class and found that the large tops are just not roomy enough for my comfort. CRAP! I have to do laundry way to much going to my hot yoga class everyday. I don't want not having anything to wear to keep me from going to class. I wore my set of close today I wore to class the day before. Gross, I know. BUT, I saw the light! ! ! ٩(’;’)۶

Something I was thinking about today. About how people think they are depriving them self from something by eating well, making good choices. Not having the food others are eating when they are around you while you are on a "diet" .
This kind of thought will get you back where you started as soon as you stop your "diet". You have to reward your self for a good job.
Give thanks that you are on a path of goodness, Kindness for yourself. Being alive for your future. Being able to move your body comfortably. Or just better then before. . .
blah, blah, blah.


Cindi said...

YOU SAW THE LIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW I'm so excited for you. That's not the light most people are looking for but I totally get it!! You are so funny.
I'm not real fond of Marshall's clothes I'll bet if you went somewhere else the large would fit just fine. You really should look for more exercise clothes. You should feel good about yourself when you are exercising and you definitely don't want to stay away because you have nothing to wear. Get shopping girl. Anyway glad we are blogging again. Enjoy your sense of humor more than you know. Love ya

Anniemal said...

Good job lady for sticking to it!! I'm so proud of you! I can't wait to hear about the results, and not just the external kind. xoxoox