Wheeew. . .
I just started a competition my yoga studio is hosting. Three day's into it and all I could think about today in class was how in the hell am I going to go to
two classes in one day this week. It's a five week, six times a week competition.
I spend about three hours just getting there and getting home from my morning class, not mention just doing the class twice eeks.
We are gone again this weekend which is why I need to do two classes.
Well I am eating food everyday.
Did I tell you we caught a raccoon in our new catch and release trap last week.
He never found the fish, thank goodness just the cat food.
He is out of here and hopefully he is the only residential raccoon we had.
Got to go unpack the car and reload. Hattie and I are doing face painting and fingernail polishing for the children at the Casper fest this week end. Annie you should come check out the web site , lots of fun thing to see and learn.
http://casparfest.org/ it's near Mendocino.
Drinking water
So glad to hear you took the challenge!! That is gonna be a tough one. I think you might faint on your double days. Since you sweat so much in those classes it really DOES take that much time to go, leave, clean etc. Then there is the laundry! Thats another monster. But the spirit thanks you for the work right?!?! haha Good luck!! Can wait to hear about the results, both interier and exterier!
ps. what fish? You said you lost the fish? Was the raccoon eating out of your pond?
Do you still have your fish???? I am amazed you can do that much Yoga. That is something I'm not very good at. I can't balance or stretch. Are you and Lory going to lunch? Love ya Chat soon. Call me when you get back.
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